Thank you for your interest in working with UUU Art Collective. We are currently accepting artwork submissions. Acceptable media include but are not limited to: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, digital art, video, mixed media, site-specific installation, performance art and more. Selected artists will be contacted directly by gallery staff via email or phone. Selected artists will be considered for inclusion in solo or group exhibition(s), artist talks, special events, and curatorial project(s).

Due to high volume, we may not be able to respond to every submission but we do promise to look over each submission we receive. Submission of artwork does not guarantee selection. Please do not approach gallery staff with submissions during events or when they are with clients. We do not accept mail or drop-off submissions as they will not be considered, nor will they be returned.


Please fill out the form below.

If you do not have a website or instagram account please still use the form below, leaving the website and instagram space blank. To complete your submission, send 5-10 high resolution .jpg images of artworks to with the subject line First Last Name: Artist Submission. Digital media and video submissions are limited to 15 minutes in duration. Only .mov files accepted. All images and/or videos must include title, date, media, and dimensions.


The URMC Ambulatory Orthopedics (AO) project is a 360,000 square foot healthcare facility

designed to support a comprehensive outpatient orthopedic, rehabilitation and sports

performance practice for the University of Rochester Medical Center. Located on the site of the

Marketplace Mall in Henrietta, the intent of the project is to create a state-of-the-art, accessible

and engaging facility that brings advanced healthcare into the local community.

Please reach out for more information for the themes in the project.


  • Nope, you are all set! When linking your website and/or your instagram this is supposed to essentially be your portfolio. We are not interested in your personal social media so please keep that in mind when deciding what you choose to include in your submission. The option to send images via email is for those artists who don’t have an established virtual portfolio.

  • Yes, if you do not have a virtual portfolio linked i.e. your website and/or instagram, please include your best work as this will be factored into whether you are selected.

  • Our submissions are currently open until further notice.

  • We appreciate you taking your time on your submission. We have had a high volume of submissions and will not be contacting every artist. Only those selected will be contacted. Thank you again for having the courage to share your work and we hope you continue to pursue your art.